our kisses of death are full of nothing at all
there is no path to reality no way to immediacy
because all paths are reality and all ways are immediacy
there’s no path and time is only a dream
flailing in the void, holding to things and selves
that are only mist in mornings that never happened
to awaken there must be sleeping
to enlighten there must be ignorance
to go there, here is implied but dichotomies are non-existent and only in imagination
to gain there must be lack, in loss something must be had yet what’s being held to and what’s being pushed away are reality only
in this there is no enlightenment and the entire universe is extinguished in each moment yet even moments are not
agents of the guru our kisses of death are full of nothing at all, in our love
freedom which is not actually there
only exists with bondage
designations are without significance
the world of bodies and drama are none other than Dharmakaya
reality without stain
liberation is to know you were never born
there was no such thing as dreaming
Kabir said “in useless play you will not find the way so set your course and go”
yet there's no play no course and no way, no finding, no going
you never left your fathers house and all your dreaming
was only ignorance dancing
ignorance like dreaming cannot be found
what is done or not is reality
the agents of the guru, the masters in the mainframe
the Lords of space and time know this well
sentient beings drowning in their own imagined worlds
the masters of reality out of compassion descend into the
dream to wake us from suffering and pain
there really is nothing to gain from me and nothing
you could possibly give me, there is no had or having
no coming or going, no movement in time
I came
I saw
I died
in this afterlife of which somehow I still remain
all I do is talk and for reasons mysterious you listen
agendas are for beings of which I no longer am
I left this world and all that held me and now in glorious splendor
my kisses give the death I underwent
freed from all heres and nows
freed from all places and spaces in time
the annihilation of conception and imagination
verily there is no birth and thus no death
the Christ said baptism was to be twice born which implies
to be twice dead and that is the meaning of unborn
there really is no way to gain what you are
for all that is gained and all that is lost is reality only
the beginning is to see there are no beginnings
the end of self is to realize no self
dichotomies and wants blown asunder
incinerated by the light of truth
that really you never moved nor did you ever change
and the drama of your life was only for entertainment
giving the ancient one a dream of forgetfulness
only to eventually awaken as reality